[][src]Module opentelemetry::api::metrics::gauge

Metrics Gauge Interface

Gauges support set(value, label_set). Gauge metrics express a pre-calculated value that is either set by explicit instrumentation or observed through a callback. Generally, this kind of metric should be used when the metric cannot be expressed as a sum or because the measurement interval is arbitrary. Use this kind of metric when the measurement is not a quantity, and the sum and event count are not of interest.

Gauges are defined as monotonic = false by default, meaning that new values are permitted to make positive or negative changes to the gauge. There is no restriction on the sign of the input for gauges.

As an option, gauges can be declared as with_monotonic(true), in which case successive values are expected to rise monotonically. monotonic = true gauges are useful in reporting computed cumulative sums, allowing an application to compute a current value and report it, without remembering the last-reported value in order to report an increment.



An interface for recording values where the metric cannot be expressed as a sum or because the measurement interval is arbitrary.


GaugeHandle is a handle for Gauge instances.