Expand description


Use a separate error instead of std::io::Error.


OpenDAL is used to use std::io::Error for all functions. This design is natural and easy to use. But there are many problems with the usage:

Not friendly for retry

io::Error can’t carry retry-related information. In RFC-0247: Retryable Error, we use io::ErrorKind::Interrupt to indicate this error is retryable. But this change will hide the real error kind from the underlying. To mark this error has been retried, we have to add another new error wrapper:

#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
#[error("permanent error: still failing after retry, source: {source}")]
struct PermanentError {
    source: Error,

ErrorKind is inaccurate

std::io::ErrorKind is used to represent errors returned from system io, which is unsuitable for mistakes that have business semantics. For example, users can’t distinguish ObjectNotFound or BucketNotFound from ErrorKind::NotFound.

ErrorKind is incompelete

OpenDAL has been waiting for features io_error_more to be stabilized for a long time. But there is no progress so far, which makes it impossible to return ErrorKind::IsADirectory or ErrorKind::NotADirectory on stable rust.

Error is not easy to carry context

To carry context inside std::io::Error, we have to check and make sure all functions are constructed ObjectError or BackendError:

#[derive(Error, Debug)]
#[error("object error: (op: {op}, path: {path}, source: {source})")]
pub struct ObjectError {
    op: Operation,
    path: String,
    source: anyhow::Error,

To make everything worse, we can’t prevent opendal returns raw io errors directly. For example, in Object::range_read:

pub async fn range_read(&self, range: impl RangeBounds<u64>) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {

    io::copy(s, &mut bs).await?;


We leaked the io::Error without any context.

Guide-level explanation

Thus, I propose to add opendal::Error back with everything improved.

Users will have similar usage as before:

if let Err(e) = op.object("test_file").metadata().await {
    if e.kind() == ErrorKind::ObjectNotFound {
        println!("object not exist")

Users can check if this error a temporary:

if err.is_temporary() {
    // retry the operation

Users can print error messages via Display:

> println!("{}", err);

ObjectNotFound (permanent) at read, context: { service: S3, path: path/to/file } => status code: 404, headers: {"x-amz-request-id": "GCYDTQX51YRSF4ZF", "x-amz-id-2": "EH0vV6lTwWk+lFXqCMCBSk1oovqhG4bzALU9+sUudyw7TEVrfWm2o/AFJKhYKpdGqOoBZGgMTC0=", "content-type": "application/xml", "date": "Mon, 21 Nov 2022 05:26:37 GMT", "server": "AmazonS3"}, body: ""

Also, users can choose to print the more verbose message via Debug:

> println!("{:?}", err);

ObjectNotFound (permanent) at read => status code: 404, headers: {"x-amz-request-id": "GCYDTQX51YRSF4ZF", "x-amz-id-2": "EH0vV6lTwWk+lFXqCMCBSk1oovqhG4bzALU9+sUudyw7TEVrfWm2o/AFJKhYKpdGqOoBZGgMTC0=", "content-type": "application/xml", "date": "Mon, 21 Nov 2022 05:26:37 GMT", "server": "AmazonS3"}, body: ""

    service: S3
    path: path/to/file

Source: <source error>

Backtrace: <backtrace if we have>

Reference-level explanation

We will add new Error and ErrorKind in opendal:

pub struct Error {
    kind: ErrorKind,
    message: String,

    status: ErrorStatus,
    operation: &'static str,
    context: Vec<(&'static str, String)>,
    source: Option<anyhow::Error>,
  • status: the status of this error, which indicates if this error is temporary
  • operation: the operation which generates this error
  • context: the context related to this error
  • source: the underlying source error


Breaking changes

This RFC will lead to a breaking at user side.

Rationale and alternatives


Prior art


Unresolved questions


Future possibilities

More ErrorKind

We can add more error kinds to make it possible for users to check.