Expand description


Move the path from OpXxx to Accessor directly.


Accessor uses OpXxx to carry path input:

impl Accessor {
    async fn read(&self, args: &OpRead) -> Result<BytesReader> {
        let _ = args;

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)]
pub struct OpRead {
    path: String,
    offset: Option<u64>,
    size: Option<u64>,

However, nearly all operation requires a path. And the path is represented in String, which means we have to clone it:

impl OpRead {
    pub fn new(path: &str, range: impl RangeBounds<u64>) -> Result<Self> {
        let br = BytesRange::from(range);

        Ok(Self {
            path: path.to_string(),
            offset: br.offset(),
            size: br.size(),

Besides, we can’t expose low-level APIs like:

impl Object {
    pub async fn read_with(&self, op: OpRead) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {

Because users can’t build the required OpRead.

Guide-level explanation

With this RFC, users can use low-level APIs can control the OpXxx directly:

impl Object {
    pub async fn read_with(&self, op: OpRead) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {

    pub async fn write_with(&self, op: OpWrite, bs: impl Into<Vec<u8>>) -> Result<()> {

So we can add more args in requests like:

o.write_with(OpWrite::new().with_content_md5("xxxxx"), bs).await;

Reference-level explanation

All path in OpXxx will be moved to Accessor directly:

pub trait Accessor: Send + Sync + Debug {
    async fn create(&self, path: &str, args: OpCreate) -> Result<()> {}
    async fn read(&self, path: &str, args: OpRead) -> Result<BytesReader> {}
  • All functions that accept OpXxx requires ownership instead of reference.
  • All OpXxx::new() will introduce breaking changes:
    - pub fn new(path: &str, range: impl RangeBounds<u64>) -> Result<Self>
    + pub fn new(range: impl RangeBounds<u64>) -> Self


Breaking Changes

This RFC may break users’ code in the following ways:

  • Code that depends on Accessor:
    • Self-implemented Services
    • Self-implemented Layers
  • Code that depends on OpXxx

Rationale and alternatives


Prior art


Unresolved questions


Future possibilities

We can add more fields in OpXxx.