[][src]Function opencv::calib3d::rodrigues

pub fn rodrigues(
    src: &dyn ToInputArray,
    dst: &mut dyn ToOutputArray,
    jacobian: &mut dyn ToOutputArray
) -> Result<()>

Converts a rotation matrix to a rotation vector or vice versa.


  • src: Input rotation vector (3x1 or 1x3) or rotation matrix (3x3).
  • dst: Output rotation matrix (3x3) or rotation vector (3x1 or 1x3), respectively.
  • jacobian: Optional output Jacobian matrix, 3x9 or 9x3, which is a matrix of partial derivatives of the output array components with respect to the input array components.

block formula

Inverse transformation can be also done easily, since

block formula

A rotation vector is a convenient and most compact representation of a rotation matrix (since any rotation matrix has just 3 degrees of freedom). The representation is used in the global 3D geometry optimization procedures like calibrateCamera, stereoCalibrate, or solvePnP .

C++ default parameters

  • jacobian: noArray()