Module oci_rs::statement [] [src]

SQL statements run against the database.

Statements are created to run a SQL Statement against a database. They prepare the statement for execution and allow bind variables to be set. If there are results then these these can be returned all in one go or lazily through an iterator.


The process is as follows:

  1. Create a Statement from a connection with a given SQL statement. This will create a prepared statement on the Oracle side.
  2. If the SQL contains bind variable placeholders then these values should now be set via a call to .bind. Although OCI supports both positional and named bind variables, only positional are curently support by Statement. Oracle uses the form :name where nameis the bind variable.
  3. Execute the statement.
  4. Commit the transaction if data was changed. Oracle implicitly creates a transaction when data is changed and commits automatically with a normal session close and log-off. If we disconnect abnormally however, a rollback is initiated.
  5. If there are results i.e. it was a SELECT statement, then fetch the results. The entire result set can be returned as a Vec<Row> or instead an iterator can be used to return the Rows one by one. These are fetched from OCI by the iterator as needed.

A connection can create multiple Statements. In the examples in this document there is usually one for each of the DROP, CREATE, INSERT and SELECT SQL statements used in the examples.


We will run through the above process to create a table, add some values and then return them lazily. Every OCI call can fail and the below example avoids handling errors in order to make the example easier to read, notice how many .unwraps are here.

use oci_rs::connection::Connection;
use oci_rs::row::Row;

let conn = Connection::new("localhost:1521/xe", "oci_rs", "test").unwrap();

// Create a table
let sql_create = "CREATE TABLE Cities (CityId INTEGER,
                                       Name VARCHAR(20))";

let mut create = conn.create_prepared_statement(sql_create).unwrap();

// Execute the create statement

// Commit in case we lose connection (an abnormal disconnection would result
// in an automatic roll-back.)

// Insert some values using bind variables
let sql_insert = "INSERT INTO Cities (CityId, Name)
                  VALUES (:id, :name)";
let mut insert = conn.create_prepared_statement(sql_insert).unwrap();

let values = vec![(1, "Paris"),
                  (2, "London"),
                  (3, "Hamburg"),
                  (4, "Miami")];

// Run through the list of values, bind them and execute the statement
for value in values.iter() {
    insert.bind(&[&value.0, &value.1]).unwrap();


// Create a query
let sql_select = "SELECT * FROM Cities";

let mut select = conn.create_prepared_statement(sql_select).unwrap();

// Execute

// Get the result set row by row from an iterator
for (index, row_result) in select.lazy_result_set().enumerate(){
    let row = row_result.unwrap();
    let city_id: i64 = row[0].value().unwrap();
    let city_name: String = row[1].value().unwrap();
    assert_eq!(city_id, values[index].0);
    assert_eq!(city_name, values[index].1);

// Or perhaps something a bit more convoluted just to make use of iterator adapters

// Execute again to get fresh results

// Get cities containing an 'a':
let results: Vec<String> = select.lazy_result_set()
                                 .map(|row_result| {
                                          let row = row_result.unwrap();
                                 .filter(|city| city.contains("a"))

let correct_result = vec!["Paris".to_string(),
assert_eq!(results, correct_result);

The final example is a bit awkard because we have Results and Options to deal with (or ignored as in this case) but it is added as a reminder that iterator methods can be used.



An iterator that will allow results to be returned row by row.


Represents a statement that is executed against a database.