[][src]Macro ocaml_interop::ocaml_unpack_record

macro_rules! ocaml_unpack_record {
    ($var:ident => $cons:ident {
        $($field:ident : $ocaml_typ:ty),+ $(,)?
    }) => { ... };

Unpacks an OCaml record into a Rust record

It is important that the order remains the same as in the OCaml type declaration.


struct MyStruct {
    int_field: i64,
    string_field: String,

// Assuming an OCaml record declaration like:
//      type my_struct = {
//          int_field: int;
//          string_field: string;
//      }
// NOTE: What is important is the order of the fields, not their names.

let ocaml_struct = ocaml_call!(make_mystruct(gc, OCaml::unit())).unwrap();
ocaml_unpack_record! {
    //  value    => RustConstructor { field: OCamlType, ... }
    ocaml_struct => MyStruct {
        int_field: OCamlInt,
        string_field: String,