Crate nyx_space [] [src]


Nyx is a high fidelity, fast, reliable and validated astrodynamical toolkit library written in Rust. It will eventually provide most functionality in Python for rapid prototyping.

The target audience is researchers and astrodynamics engineers. The rationale for using Rust is to allow for very fast computations, guaranteed thread safety, and portability to all platforms supported by Rust.

To some extend, the ultimate goal of this library is to retire SPICE Toolkit.

NOTE: It is recommended to compile all code in nyx with the --release flag. A lot of heavy computation is done in this library, and no one likes waiting for production code to run.


  • Propagators / Integrators of equations of motions (cf. the propagators module)


Put this in your Cargo.toml:

nyx-space = "0.0.1"

And add the following to your crate root:

extern crate nyx_space as nyx;



The propagators includes all the propagators / integrators available in nyx.