nxmpki 0.2.11

a library that returns rsa 2048 pki pair

Example code to use nxmpki library, ( https://crates.io/crates/nxmpki )

In the main.rs file:

extern crate nxmpki;

extern crate rustc_serialize;

use rustc_serialize::json::Json;

fn main() {

let mut json_str=nxmpki::get_nxm_pki().to_string();
json_str = json_str.to_string();
let json = Json::from_str(&json_str).unwrap();

let js = json.find_path(&["cid"]).unwrap();
let pub_k=json.find_path(&["public_key"]).unwrap();
println!("cid :{}, public key : {}", js, pub_k);


In the cargo.toml file:


nxmpki = "0.2.5"

json = "0.12.0"

rustc-serialize = "0.3.24"