numpy 0.3.2

Rust binding of NumPy C-API failed to build numpy-0.3.2
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: numpy-0.21.0


Build Status Build status Crate

Rust bindings for the NumPy C-API

API documentation


Note Starting from 0.3, rust-numpy migrated from rust-cpython to pyo3. If you want to use rust-cpython, use version 0.2.1 from


Execute a Python program from Rust and get results

name = "numpy-test"

pyo3 = "^0.4.1"
numpy = "0.3"
extern crate numpy;
extern crate pyo3;
use numpy::{IntoPyResult, PyArray, PyArrayModule};
use pyo3::prelude::{ObjectProtocol, PyDict, PyResult, Python};

fn main() -> Result<(), ()> {
    let gil = Python::acquire_gil();
    main_(gil.python()).map_err(|e| {
        eprintln!("error! :{:?}", e);
        // we can't display python error type via ::std::fmt::Display
        // so print error here manually

fn main_<'py>(py: Python<'py>) -> PyResult<()> {
    let np = PyArrayModule::import(py)?;
    let dict = PyDict::new(py);
    dict.set_item("np", np.as_pymodule())?;
    let pyarray: &PyArray<i32> = py
        .eval("np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype='int32')", Some(&dict), None)?
    let slice = pyarray.as_slice().into_pyresult("Array Cast failed")?;
    assert_eq!(slice, &[1, 2, 3]);

Write a Python module in Rust

Please see the example directory for a complete example

name = "rust_ext"
crate-type = ["cdylib"]

numpy = "0.3"
ndarray = "0.11"

version = "^0.4.1"
features = ["extension-module"]
extern crate ndarray;
extern crate numpy;
extern crate pyo3;

use ndarray::{ArrayD, ArrayViewD, ArrayViewMutD};
use numpy::{IntoPyArray, IntoPyResult, PyArray, PyArrayModule};
use pyo3::prelude::{pymodinit, PyModule, PyResult, Python};

fn rust_ext(py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    // You **must** write this statement for the PyArray type checker to work correctly
    // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    let _np = PyArrayModule::import(py)?;

    // immutable example
    fn axpy(a: f64, x: ArrayViewD<f64>, y: ArrayViewD<f64>) -> ArrayD<f64> {
        a * &x + &y

    // mutable example (no return)
    fn mult(a: f64, mut x: ArrayViewMutD<f64>) {
        x *= a;

    // wrapper of `axpy`
    #[pyfn(m, "axpy")]
    fn axpy_py(py: Python, a: f64, x: &PyArray<f64>, y: &PyArray<f64>) -> PyResult<PyArray<f64>> {
        let np = PyArrayModule::import(py)?;
        let x = x.as_array().into_pyresult("x must be f64 array")?;
        let y = y.as_array().into_pyresult("y must be f64 array")?;
        Ok(axpy(a, x, y).into_pyarray(py, &np))

    // wrapper of `mult`
    #[pyfn(m, "mult")]
    fn mult_py(_py: Python, a: f64, x: &PyArray<f64>) -> PyResult<()> {
        let x = x.as_array_mut().into_pyresult("x must be f64 array")?;
        mult(a, x);



This project is still in pre-alpha. We need your feedback. Don't hesitate to open issues!


  • v0.3.0

  • v0.2.1

    • NEW: trait IntoPyErr, IntoPyResult for error translation
  • v0.2.0

    • NEW: traits IntoPyArray, ToPyArray
    • MOD: Interface of PyArray creation functions are changed
  • v0.1.1

    • Update documents
  • v0.1.0

    • First Release
    • Expose unsafe interfase of Array and UFunc API