Crate num_runtime_fmt[][src]

Format numbers according to a runtime specification.

Entry Points

The core of this crate is the NumFmt type. You can build it explicitly, or parse it from a format string with similar grammar to that of the standard library.

Given an instance of NumFmt, you can call its fmt method to simply format a number, or its fmt_with method to apply dynamic parameters.

Format String Grammar

The gramar for the format string derives substantially from the standard library's:

format_spec := [[fill]align][sign]['#'][['0']width]['.' precision][format][separator[spacing]]
fill := character
align := '<' | '^' | '>' | 'v'
sign := '+' | '-'
width := integer not beginning with '0'
precision := integer
format := 'b' | 'o' | 'd' | 'x' | 'X'
separator := '_', | ',' | ' '
spacing := integer


There is no special syntax for dynamic insertion of with, precision and spacing. Simply use NumFmt::fmt_with; the dynamic values provided there always override any values for those fields, whether set or not in the format string.


Any single char which precedes an align specifier is construed as the fill character: when width is greater than the actual rendered width of the number, the excess is padded with this character.


Wide characters are counted according to their quantity, not their bit width.

let heart = '🖤';
assert_eq!(heart.len_utf8(), 4);
let fmt = NumFmt::builder().fill(heart).width(3).build();
let formatted = fmt.fmt(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(formatted, "🖤🖤1");
// Note that even though we requested a width of 3, the binary length is 9.
assert_eq!(formatted.len(), 9);


  • >: the output is right-aligned in width columns (default).
  • ^: the output is centered in width columns.
  • <: the output is left-aligned in width columns.
  • v: attempt to align the decimal point at column index width. For integers, equivalent to >.


  • -: print a leading - for negative numbers, and nothing in particular for positive (default)
  • +: print a leading + for positive numbers


If a # character is present, print a base specification before the number according to its format (see format below).

  • binary: 0b
  • octal: 0o
  • decimal: 0d
  • hex: 0x

This base specification counts toward the width of the number:

assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("#04b").unwrap().fmt(2).unwrap(), "0b10");


Engage the zero handler.

The zero handler overrides the padding specification to 0, and treats pad characters as part of the number, in contrast to the default behavior which treats them as arbitrary spacing.


// sign handling
assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("03").unwrap().fmt(-1).unwrap(),  "-01");
assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("0>3").unwrap().fmt(-1).unwrap(), "0-1");
// separator handling
assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("0>7,").unwrap().fmt(1).unwrap(), "0000001");
assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("07,").unwrap().fmt(1).unwrap(),  "000,001");


This is a parameter for the "minimum width" that the format should take up. If the value's string does not fill up this many characters, then the padding specified by fill/alignment will be used to take up the required space (see fill above).

When using the $ sigil instead of an explicit width, the width can be set dynamically:

assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("-^").unwrap().fmt_with(1, Dynamic::width(5)).unwrap(), "--1--");

If an explicit width is not provided, defaults to 0.


Precision will pad or truncate as required if set. If unset, passes through as many digits past the decimal as the underlying type naturally returns.

assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str(".2").unwrap().fmt(3.14159).unwrap(), "3.14");
assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str(".7").unwrap().fmt(3.14159).unwrap(), "3.1415900");

If the requested precision exceeds the native precision available to this number, the remainder is always filled with '0', even if fill is specified:

assert_eq!(NumFmt::from_str("-<6.2").unwrap().fmt(1.0_f32).unwrap(), "1.00--");


  • b: Emit this number's binary representation
  • o: Emit this number's octal representation
  • d: Emit this number's decimal representation (default)
  • x: Emit this number's hexadecimal representation with lowercase letters
  • X: Emit this number's hexadecimal representation with uppercase letters


This is one of a few areas where the standard library has capabilities this library does not: it supports some other numeric formats. Pull requests welcomed to bring this up to parity.


A separator is a (typically non-numeric) character inserted between groups of digits to make it easier for humans to parse the number when reading. Different separators may be desirable in different contexts.

  • _: Separate numeric groups with an underscore
  • ,: Separate numeric groups with a comma
  • (space char): Separate numeric groups with a space

By default, numeric groups are not separated. It is not possible to explicitly specify that numeric groups are not separated when using a format string. However, this can be specified when building the formatter via builder.

When using the builder to explicitly set formatter options, it is also possible to separate numeric groups with an arbitrary char. This can be desirable to i.e. support German number formats, which use a . to separate numeric groups and a , as a decimal separator.


Spacing determines the number of characters in each character group. It is only of interest when the separator is set. The default spacing is 3.


pub use numeric_trait::Numeric;





Builder for a numeric formatter.


Container for setting certain parameters dynamically.


Formatter for numbers.



Positioning of rendered number within the allotted width.


The base / format with which to represent this number.


Whether to render a sign sigil.