nucleo-f401re 0.3.0

Board Support crate for the STM32 NUCLEO-f401RE development board failed to build nucleo-f401re-0.3.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: nucleo-f401re-0.4.1

Support package for the Nucleo-f401re board.

How to use the examples:

  1. Clone this repository

Alternative 1: Using

  1. cargo flash --chip stm32f401re --example button-interrupt

NOTE: The examples that uses semihosting doesn't work with cargo flash yet.

Alternative 2: Using openocd

  1. Start openocd
  1. In another terminal, run your example of choice
cargo run --example gpio_hal_blinky

Board properties

  • User led on PA5
  • User button on PC13
  • Serial port through ST-LINK on USART2, Tx: PA2 and Rx: PA3.

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