Crate ns_router [] [src]

A full-featured router for abstract-ns

A router should be an entry point for your application. It solves two purposes:

  1. Allow to use different name resolution mechanisms without cluttering your app with too much generics
  2. Optimize performance: we connect to resolvers via channels, so polling an ResolveFuture or AddrStream is cheap.


A simple resolver you should start with:

extern crate abstract_ns;
extern crate ns_router;
extern crate ns_std_threaded;
use abstract_ns::HostResolve;
use ns_router::SubscribeExt;

let ns = ns_router::Router::from_config(&ns_router::Config::new()
        .interval_subscriber(Duration::new(1, 0), &core.handle()))

This is a bit verbose, but this means:

  1. Use stdlib resolver
  2. Do not resolve SRV (stdlib resolver can't do that)
  3. Poll for a new address every second (for subscriptions)

Names in Configs

You should use resolve_auto and subscribe_many for resolving names that come from configuration files. In it's simplest form it accepts a string:

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
ns.resolve_auto("")   // if resolver has SRV

But you may force specific mode: rust.ignore use ns_router::AutoName::*; ns.resolve_auto(Service("localhost")); // resolve bare `localhost` as SRV

All the same forms work for subscribe_many and subscribe_many_stream

Updating Names

If you're writing server you might need to react on name changes. abstract-ns gives you a way to subscribe for the name.

Router gives you a little bit more:

  1. You can create router with from_stream or updating_config and push configuration updates to router.
  2. The subscribe_many_stream method allows to subsribe to a stream of names: i.e. every time your user changes list of names to be used for some service, new names are resolved and applied immediately.

Both kinds of updates are delivered to the application as a next update in a stream without any additional code on receiver side.

Configuring Router

To show you an example how router can be configured:

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
let cfg = &Config::new()
    // resolution of hosts from memory for performance or tests
    // resolve `.consul` names via consul DNS SRV or HTTP
    .add_suffix("consul", consul_resolver)
    // use stdlib for other things


pub use subscribe_ext::SubscribeExt;



Futures and streams returned from router


An extension trait that turns resolvers into subscribers



Configuration of the router


An actual router class



A name type that can be read from config



A helper trait to convert anything (yielded by a Stream) into name