nostr-tool 0.5.0

A CLI tool to interact with nostr
nostr-tool-0.5.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: nostr-tool-0.2.0

Nostr-tool - Downloads Docker Pulls MIT

A simple CLI tool to send nostr events.

Currently, this is more of a POC on the use of the nostr-sdk library in a CLI application.


Clone the repo and run the following command in the repo folder. You must have Rust installed to compile this.

Install from

cargo install nostr-tool

Build from source

cargo build --release

Build with Docker locally

docker build -t nostr-tool .

Build with Docker from DockerHub

docker pull 0xtr/nostr-tool:0.3.0

Run nostr-tools command once to get the standard help menu up. Each subcommand also has it's own help menu accessed by appending the --help flag.


Update metadata

nostr-tool -r wss:// update-metadata -n "Alice" -a "Who the fuck is Alice?" -p ""

Create a new note with a new identity

nostr-tool -r wss:// text-note -c "Hello World"

Create a new note with an existing private key

nostr-tool -r wss:// -p {PRIVATE_KEY} text-note -c "Hello World"

Create a new note with an existing private key as a reply to another note

nostr-tool -r wss:// -p {PRIVATE_KEY} text-note -c "Hello World" --etag {EVENT-ID_TO_REPLY_TO} --ptag {PUBKEY_YOU_ARE_REPLYING_TO}

Import contacts/followers from a CSV file

nostr-tool -r wss:// -p {PRIVATE_KEY} publish-contact-list-csv -f {PATH_TO_CSV_FILE}

The CSV file should have the following format


Send a direct message

nostr-tool -r wss:// -p {PRIVATE_KEY} send-direct-message --receiver {RECIPIENT_PUBKEY} --message "Hello World"

Delete an event

nostr-tool -r wss:// -p {PRIVATE_KEY} delete-event -e {EVENT_ID} -r "The reason for deleting the event"

React to an event

nostr-tool -r wss:// -p {PRIVATE_KEY} react -e {EVENT_ID} -a {EVENT_AUTHOR_PUBKEY} -r "👍"

Run with docker

docker run nostr-tool nostr-tool -r wss:// text-note -c "Hello World"