initSidebarItems({"macro":[["alt!","try a list of parser, return the result of the first successful one"],["alt_parser!","Internal parser, do not use directly"],["apply!",""],["call!","Used to wrap common expressions and function as macros"],["chain!","chains parsers and assemble the results through a closure"],["chaining_parser!","Internal parser, do not use directly"],["closure!","Wraps a parser in a closure"],["cond!","Conditional combinator"],["count!","Applies the child parser a specified number of times"],["dbg!","Prints a message if the parser fails"],["dbg_dmp!","Prints a message and the input if the parser fails"],["delimited!","delimited(opening, X, closing) returns X"],["error!","Prevents backtracking if the child parser fails"],["fail!",""],["filter!","returns the longest list of bytes until the provided parser fails"],["flat_map!","flat_map! combines a parser R -> IResult and a parser S -> IResult to return another parser R -> IResult"],["is_a!","returns the longest list of bytes that appear in the provided array"],["is_not!","returns the longest list of bytes that do not appear in the provided array"],["length_value!","returns"],["many0!","Applies the parser 0 or more times and returns the list of results in a Vec"],["many1!","Applies the parser 1 or more times and returns the list of results in a Vec"],["map!","maps a function on the result of a parser"],["map_opt!","maps a function returning an Option on the output of a parser"],["map_res!","maps a function returning a Result on the output of a parser"],["named!","Makes a function from a parser combination"],["opt!","make the underlying parser optional"],["pair!","pair(X,Y), returns (x,y)"],["peek!","returns a result without consuming the input"],["preceded!","preceded(opening, X) returns X"],["pusher!","Prepares a parser function for a push pipeline"],["separated_list!","separated_list(sep, X) returns Vec"],["separated_nonempty_list!","separated_nonempty_list(sep, X) returns Vec"],["separated_pair!","separated_pair(X,sep,Y) returns (x,y)"],["tag!","declares a byte array as a suite to recognize"],["take!","generates a parser consuming the specified number of bytes"],["take_str!","same as take! but returning a &str"],["take_until!",""],["take_until_and_consume!","generates a parser consuming bytes until the specified byte sequence is found"],["take_until_either!",""],["take_until_either_and_consume!",""],["terminated!","terminated(X, closing) returns X"]],"mod":[["consumer","Data consumers"],["internal","Basic types to build the parsers"],["macros","Macro combinators"],["nom","Useful parser combinators"],["producer","Data producers"],["util",""]]});