nobs-vulkanism 0.1.0

vulkan for rendering to a window
nobs-vulkanism-0.1.0 doesn't have any documentation.


Compilation of vulkanism modules to render to a window

This library is a curation of the all vulkanism modules. Including:

Rearranges module namespaces, so that we only have to use a single external crate nobs_vulkanism instruction.


extern crate nobs_vulkanism as vk;

fn main() {
  // nobs-vk Symbols remain in vk::*
  let lib = vk::Core::new();
  let inst = vk::instance::new()
    .application("awesome app", 0)

  let (pdevice, device) = vk::device::PhysicalDevice::enumerate_all(inst.handle)
    .add_queue(vk::device::QueueProperties {
      present: false,
      graphics: true,
      compute: true,
      transfer: true,

  // Symbols of dependent moduls are put in their own namespace within vk::
  // e.g.:
  let mut allocator = vk::mem::Allocator::new(pdevice.handle, device.handle);