initSidebarItems({"fn":[["copy","Copies the entire content of a buffered reader into a writer."],["copy_until","Copies the content of a buffered reader into a writer until a delimiter is reached."]],"struct":[["Bytes","An iterator over `u8` values of a reader."],["Chars","An iterator over the `char`s of a reader."],["Collect","A reader adapter over an iterator of readers"],["Repeat","An adapter that restarts from the beginning after EOF is reached"],["Retry","An adapter that retries reading operations of the underlying reader"],["Split","An iterator over the contents of an instance of `BufRead` split on a particular byte."],["Take","Reader adaptor which limits the bytes read from an underlying reader."]],"trait":[["BufReadExt","Extension methods for `std::io::BufRead`"],["BufReadGrow","A `BufReadGrow` is a `BufRead`er that has the ability to read additional data even if the buffer is not empty."],["ReadExt","Extension methods for `std::io::Read`"],["WriteExt","Extension methods for `std::io::Write`"]]});