
A V8 EscapableHandleScope.

A V8 HandleScope.

A V8 Local handle.



Invokes a Rust closure with a TryCatch live on the stack. The result value can be assumed to be initialized if and only if this function does not return TryCatchControl::Panicked. The unwind_value value can be assumed to be initialized if and only if this function returns TryCatchControl::Panicked.

Type Definitions

Represents the details of how the function was called from JavaScript.

Represents an instance of the V8 runtime.

A Rust extern “glue function” for C++ to invoke a Rust closure with a TryCatch live on the stack. The result argument can be assumed to be initialized if and only if the glue function returns TryCatchControl::Returned. The unwind_value argument can be assumed to be initialized if and only if the glue function returns TryCatchControl::Panicked.