[][src]Crate needletail

Needletail is a crate to quickly and easily parse sequences out of streams/files and manipulate and analyse that data.

A contrived example of how to use it:

extern crate needletail;
use needletail::{parse_sequence_path, Sequence};
use std::env;

fn main() {
    let filename = "tests/data/28S.fasta";
    // you could also read the filename from the command arguments like:
    // let filename: String = env::args().nth(1).unwrap();

    let mut n_bases = 0;
    let mut n_valid_kmers = 0;
        |_| {},
        |seq| {
            // seq.id is the name of the record
            // seq.seq is the base sequence
            // seq.qual is an optional quality score

            // keep track of the total number of bases
            n_bases += seq.seq.len();

            // normalize to make sure all the bases are consistantly capitalized
            let norm_seq = seq.normalize(false);
            // we make a reverse complemented copy of the sequence first for
            // `canonical_kmers` to draw the complemented sequences from.
            let rc = norm_seq.reverse_complement();
            // now we keep track of the number of AAAAs (or TTTTs via
            // canonicalization) in the file; note we also get the postion (i.0;
            // in the event there were `N`-containing kmers that were skipped)
            // and whether the sequence was complemented (i.2) in addition to
            // the canonical kmer (i.1)
            for (_, kmer, _) in norm_seq.canonical_kmers(4, &rc) {
                if kmer == b"AAAA" {
                    n_valid_kmers += 1;
    .expect("parsing failed");
    println!("There are {} bases in your file.", n_bases);
    println!("There are {} AAAAs in your file.", n_valid_kmers);


pub use formats::parse_sequence_path;
pub use formats::parse_sequence_reader;
pub use sequence::Sequence;
pub use sequence_record::SequenceRecord;



Compact binary representations of nucleic acid kmers


Functions for reading sequence data from FASTA and FASTQ formats.


Functions for splitting sequences into fixed-width moving windows (kmers) and utilities for dealing with these kmers.


Generic functions for working with (primarily nucleic acid) sequences


For working with sequences that have identifiers and optionally quality information.



The only error type that needletail returns



The type of error that occured during file parsing