nebula_form 0.1.1

General form


nebula_form is a small Rust library that provides a simple interface for working with form data.


  • Parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data forms from request bodies (currently only for warp).
  • A Form object that can be manipulated (fields added, removed, etc.)
  • Create application/x-www-form-urlencoded and multipart/form-data request bodies from a Form object.


  • Multiple values for a single form field
    • Note that there is no standard way to do this.


use nebula_form::{Form, Field};
use warp::Filter;

fn main() {
    let form = Form::new();
    form.insert("field-foo", Field::Text(String::from("contents")));

    // Don't use `panic!` in actual code
    match form.get("field-foo") {
        None => panic!("Field expected"),
        Some(field) => {
            match field {
                Field::Text(txt) => println!(txt),
                Field::File(_) => panic!("This should not be a file!"),

    // `make_request` doesn't actually exist and stands in for any usual way
    // of creating an HTTP request.
    make_request("POST", form.to_url_encoded().as_bytes());
    make_request("POST", form.to_multipart_bytes());

    // When using warp, the `form_filter` function parses the request body into
    // a `Form`.
    let hi = warp::path("some-form")
        .map(|form: Form| {
            format!("Hello {}!", form.get("name").unwrap())