Module ndarray::linalg [] [src]


: linalg is not in good shape.

Deprecated: linalg is not in good shape.

A few linear algebra operations on two-dimensional arrays.


ComplexField [Deprecated]

A real or complex number.

Field [Deprecated]

Trait union for a field.

Ring [Deprecated]

Trait union for a ring with 1.


cholesky [Deprecated]

Factor a = L LT.

eye [Deprecated]

Return the identity matrix of dimension n.

least_squares [Deprecated]

Solve a x = b with linear least squares approximation.

subst_bw [Deprecated]

Solve U x = b where U is an upper triangular matrix.

subst_fw [Deprecated]

Solve L x = b where L is a lower triangular matrix.

Type Definitions

Col [Deprecated]

Column vector.

Mat [Deprecated]

Rectangular matrix.