initSidebarItems({"constant":[["S","Slice value for the full range of an axis."]],"enum":[["ShapeError","An error that can be produced by `.into_shape()`"]],"fn":[["arr0","Return a zero-dimensional array with the element `x`."],["arr1","Return a one-dimensional array with elements from `xs`."],["arr2","Return a two-dimensional array with elements from `xs`."],["arr3","Return a three-dimensional array with elements from `xs`."],["aview0","Return a zero-dimensional array view borrowing `x`."],["aview1","Return a one-dimensional array view with elements borrowing `xs`."],["aview2","Return a two-dimensional array view with elements borrowing `xs`."],["aview_mut1","Return a one-dimensional read-write array view with elements borrowing `xs`."],["zeros","Return an array filled with zeros"]],"macro":[["s!","Slice argument constructor."]],"mod":[["linalg","***Deprecated: linalg is not in good shape.***"]],"struct":[["ArrayBase","An *N*-dimensional array."],["Elements","An iterator over the elements of an array."],["ElementsMut","An iterator over the elements of an array (mutable)."],["Indexed","An iterator over the indexes and elements of an array."],["IndexedMut","An iterator over the indexes and elements of an array (mutable)."],["Indexes","An iterator over the indexes of an array shape."],["InnerIter","An iterator that traverses over all dimensions but the innermost, and yields each inner row."],["InnerIterMut","An iterator that traverses over all dimensions but the innermost, and yields each inner row (mutable)."],["OuterIter","An iterator that traverses over the outermost dimension and yields each subview."],["OuterIterMut","An iterator that traverses over the outermost dimension and yields each subview (mutable)."],["Si","A slice, a description of a range of an array axis."]],"trait":[["Data","Array’s inner representation."],["DataClone","Clone an Array’s storage."],["DataMut","Array’s writable inner representation."],["DataOwned","Array representation that is a unique or shared owner of its data."],["DataShared","Array representation that is a lightweight view."],["Dimension","Trait for the shape and index types of arrays."],["FixedInitializer","Fixed-size array used for array initialization"],["Initializer","Slice or fixed-size array used for array initialization"],["NdIndex","A tuple or fixed size array that can be used to index an array."],["RemoveAxis","Helper trait to define a larger-than relation for array shapes: removing one axis from *Self* gives smaller dimension *Smaller*."],["Scalar","Elements that can be used as direct operands in arithmetic with arrays."]],"type":[["Array","Array where the data is reference counted and copy on write, it can act as both an owner as the data as well as a lightweight view."],["ArrayView","A lightweight array view."],["ArrayViewMut","A lightweight read-write array view."],["Ix","Array index type"],["Ixs","Array index type (signed)"],["OwnedArray","Array where the data is owned uniquely."]]});