ndarray-unit 0.2.2

A package providing a system of units to the ndarray type
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![Tests - Github](https://github.com/politinsa/ndarray-unit/workflows/Tests/badge.svg)

# ndarray-unit

* Homepage on [crates.io](https://crates.io/crates/ndarray-unit)
* **Doc** on [doc.rs](https://docs.rs/ndarray-unit/)  


:warning: This project is under active development and this README is using
documentation comments that might be different than those uploaded on crates.io.
Always check [doc.rs](https://docs.rs/ndarray-unit/) for up-to-date
documentation. :warning:  



## Development
Doc of the master branch on [github.io](https://politinsa.github.io/ndarray-unit/)

### Features

- [x] Basic unit system handling multiplication and division
- [x] ArrayUnit wrapper for unit + ndarray
- [ ] Operations on &ArrayUnit
     - [x] Mul/Div <&ArrayUnit>
     - [x] Add/Sub <&ArrayUnit> (now panicking if units are not equal, might change that in the future)
     - [ ] Mul/Div with scalar
     - [ ] Add/Sub with scalar
- [ ] Add prefix (mm, cm, dm, m, km)
- [ ] Basic ndarray function
     - [ ] Transpose
     - [ ] Rescale
     - [ ] ...

### Tests & Doc
- [x] Basic unit system handling multiplication and division
- [x] ArrayUnit wrapper for unit + ndarray
- [ ] Operations on &ArrayUnit
     - [ ] Mul/Div <&ArrayUnit>
     - [ ] Add/Sub <&ArrayUnit> (now panicking if units are not equal, might change that in the future)
     - [ ] Mul/Div with scalar
     - [ ] Add/Sub with scalar
- [ ] Add prefix (mm, cm, dm, m, km)
- [ ] Basic ndarray function
     - [ ] Transpose
     - [ ] Rescale
     - [ ] ...