ndarray-stats 0.5.1

Statistical routines for ArrayBase, the n-dimensional array data structure provided by ndarray.
use ndarray::{ArrayBase, Data, Dimension, Zip};
use num_traits::{Signed, ToPrimitive};
use std::convert::Into;
use std::ops::AddAssign;

use crate::errors::MultiInputError;

/// An extension trait for `ArrayBase` providing functions
/// to compute different deviation measures.
pub trait DeviationExt<A, S, D>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    D: Dimension,
    /// Counts the number of indices at which the elements of the arrays `self`
    /// and `other` are equal.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    fn count_eq<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<usize, MultiInputError>
        A: PartialEq,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Counts the number of indices at which the elements of the arrays `self`
    /// and `other` are not equal.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    fn count_neq<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<usize, MultiInputError>
        A: PartialEq,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [squared L2 distance] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    ///  n
    ///  ∑  |aᵢ - bᵢ|²
    /// i=1
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a` and `other` is `b`.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// [squared L2 distance]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance#Squared_Euclidean_distance
    fn sq_l2_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<A, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [L2 distance] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    ///      n
    /// √ (  ∑  |aᵢ - bᵢ|² )
    ///     i=1
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a` and `other` is `b`.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// **Panics** if the type cast from `A` to `f64` fails.
    /// [L2 distance]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance
    fn l2_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [L1 distance] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    ///  n
    ///  ∑  |aᵢ - bᵢ|
    /// i=1
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a` and `other` is `b`.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// [L1 distance]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxicab_geometry
    fn l1_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<A, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [L∞ distance] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    /// max(|aáµ¢ - báµ¢|)
    ///  áµ¢
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a` and `other` is `b`.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// [L∞ distance]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chebyshev_distance
    fn linf_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<A, MultiInputError>
        A: Clone + PartialOrd + Signed,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [mean absolute error] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    ///        n
    /// 1/n *  ∑  |aᵢ - bᵢ|
    ///       i=1
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a` and `other` is `b`.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// **Panics** if the type cast from `A` to `f64` fails.
    /// [mean absolute error]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_absolute_error
    fn mean_abs_err<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [mean squared error] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    ///        n
    /// 1/n *  ∑  |aᵢ - bᵢ|²
    ///       i=1
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a` and `other` is `b`.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// **Panics** if the type cast from `A` to `f64` fails.
    /// [mean squared error]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_squared_error
    fn mean_sq_err<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the unnormalized [root-mean-square error] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    /// √ mse(a, b)
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a`, `other` is `b` and `mse` is the mean-squared-error.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// **Panics** if the type cast from `A` to `f64` fails.
    /// [root-mean-square error]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Root-mean-square_deviation
    fn root_mean_sq_err<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    /// Computes the [peak signal-to-noise ratio] between `self` and `other`.
    /// ```text
    /// 10 * log10(maxv^2 / mse(a, b))
    /// ```
    /// where `self` is `a`, `other` is `b`, `mse` is the mean-squared-error
    /// and `maxv` is the maximum possible value either array can take.
    /// The following **errors** may be returned:
    /// * `MultiInputError::EmptyInput` if `self` is empty
    /// * `MultiInputError::ShapeMismatch` if `self` and `other` don't have the same shape
    /// **Panics** if the type cast from `A` to `f64` fails.
    /// [peak signal-to-noise ratio]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peak_signal-to-noise_ratio
    fn peak_signal_to_noise_ratio<T>(
        other: &ArrayBase<T, D>,
        maxv: A,
    ) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>;

    private_decl! {}

impl<A, S, D> DeviationExt<A, S, D> for ArrayBase<S, D>
    S: Data<Elem = A>,
    D: Dimension,
    fn count_eq<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<usize, MultiInputError>
        A: PartialEq,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        return_err_unless_same_shape!(self, other);

        let mut count = 0;

        Zip::from(self).and(other).for_each(|a, b| {
            if a == b {
                count += 1;


    fn count_neq<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<usize, MultiInputError>
        A: PartialEq,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        self.count_eq(other).map(|n_eq| self.len() - n_eq)

    fn sq_l2_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<A, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        return_err_unless_same_shape!(self, other);

        let mut result = A::zero();

        Zip::from(self).and(other).for_each(|self_i, other_i| {
            let (a, b) = (self_i.clone(), other_i.clone());
            let diff = a - b;
            result += diff.clone() * diff;


    fn l2_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        let sq_l2_dist = self
            .expect("failed cast from type A to f64");


    fn l1_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<A, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        return_err_unless_same_shape!(self, other);

        let mut result = A::zero();

        Zip::from(self).and(other).for_each(|self_i, other_i| {
            let (a, b) = (self_i.clone(), other_i.clone());
            result += (a - b).abs();


    fn linf_dist<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<A, MultiInputError>
        A: Clone + PartialOrd + Signed,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        return_err_unless_same_shape!(self, other);

        let mut max = A::zero();

        Zip::from(self).and(other).for_each(|self_i, other_i| {
            let (a, b) = (self_i.clone(), other_i.clone());
            let diff = (a - b).abs();
            if diff > max {
                max = diff;


    fn mean_abs_err<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        let l1_dist = self
            .expect("failed cast from type A to f64");
        let n = self.len() as f64;

        Ok(l1_dist / n)

    fn mean_sq_err<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        let sq_l2_dist = self
            .expect("failed cast from type A to f64");
        let n = self.len() as f64;

        Ok(sq_l2_dist / n)

    fn root_mean_sq_err<T>(&self, other: &ArrayBase<T, D>) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        let msd = self.mean_sq_err(other)?;

    fn peak_signal_to_noise_ratio<T>(
        other: &ArrayBase<T, D>,
        maxv: A,
    ) -> Result<f64, MultiInputError>
        A: AddAssign + Clone + Signed + ToPrimitive,
        T: Data<Elem = A>,
        let maxv_f = maxv.to_f64().expect("failed cast from type A to f64");
        let msd = self.mean_sq_err(&other)?;
        let psnr = 10. * f64::log10(maxv_f * maxv_f / msd);


    private_impl! {}