Crate ndarray_slice

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Fast and robust slice-based algorithms (e.g., sorting, selection, search) for non-contiguous (sub)views into n-dimensional arrays. Reimplements algorithms in slice and rayon::slice for ndarray with arbitrary memory layout (e.g., non-contiguous).


use ndarray_slice::{ndarray::arr2, Slice1Ext};

// 2-dimensional array of 4 rows and 5 columns.
let mut v = arr2(&[[-5, 4, 1, -3,  2],   // row 0, axis 0
                   [ 8, 3, 2,  4,  8],   // row 1, axis 0
                   [38, 9, 3,  0,  3],   // row 2, axis 0
                   [ 4, 9, 0,  8, -1]]); // row 3, axis 0
//                    \     \       \
//                  column 0 \    column 4         axis 1
//                         column 2                axis 1

// Mutable subview into the last column.
let mut column = v.column_mut(4);

// Due to row-major memory layout, columns are non-contiguous
// and hence cannot be sorted by viewing them as mutable slices.
assert_eq!(column.as_slice_mut(), None);

// Instead, sorting is specifically implemented for non-contiguous
// mutable (sub)views.

assert!(v == arr2(&[[-5, 4, 1, -3, -1],
                    [ 8, 3, 2,  4,  2],
                    [38, 9, 3,  0,  3],
                    [ 4, 9, 0,  8,  8]]));
//                                   \
//                                 column 4 sorted, others untouched

§Current Implementation

Complexities where n is the length of the (sub)view and m the count of indices to select.

ResourceComplexitySorting (stable)Sorting (unstable)Selection (unstable)Bulk Selection (unstable)
TimeBestO(n)O(n)O(n)O(n log m)
TimeAverageO(n log n)O(n log n)O(n)O(n log m)
TimeWorstO(n log n)O(n log n)O(n)O(n log m)
SpaceAverageO(n/2)O(log n)O(1)O(m+log m)
SpaceWorstO(n/2)O(log n)O(1)O(m+log m)


  • Add SliceExt trait for n-dimensional array or (sub)view with methods expecting Axis as their first argument. Comparing methods will always be suffixed with _by or _by_key defining how to compare multi-dimensional elements (e.g., rows) along the provided axis of interest (e.g., columns).


  • alloc for stable sort/sort_by/sort_by_key. Enabled by std.
  • std for stable sort_by_cached_key. Enabled by default or rayon.
  • stacker for spilling recursion stack over to heap if necessary. Enabled by default.
  • rayon for parallel par_sort*/par_select_many_nth_unstable*.

