nd-triangulation 0.2.0

Arbirary dimensional triangulations using CGAL
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Arbitrary Dimensional Triangulations

This library provides an interface to the CGAL Library for creating Triangulations and traverse them in arbitrary dimension. Its feature set is pretty limited, as it is written for a very specific research purpose. However, I am willing to look into integrating new features and of course accept pull requests.


A triangulation can be created incrementally, by adding points to it:

    let mut tri = Triangulation::new(3); // We are doing a 3 dimensional triangulation

    // Everything that can be referenced as a slice can be added to the Triangulation
    tri.add_vertex(&[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]).unwrap(); // Add point doesn't work for points in the wrong dimension
    tri.add_vertex(&[2.0, 4.1, -2.3]).unwrap();
    tri.add_vertex(&[44.2, 45.4, 12.6]).unwrap();
    tri.add_vertex(&[-23.2, 24.7, 17.9]).unwrap();

Afterwards, we can iterate over all convex hull cells and their respective points:

    for ch_cell in tri.convex_hull_cells() {
        for p in ch_cell.vertices() {
            println!("{:?} is on the boundary of the convex hull", p);