ncursesw 0.5.1

A fat wrapper around the NCurses TUI library
name = "ncursesw"
version = "0.5.1"
authors = [ "Steve Whittle <>" ]
description = "A fat wrapper around the NCurses TUI library"
homepage = ""
repository = ""
documentation = ""
readme = ""
keywords = [ "ncurses", "TUI" ]
categories = [ "api-bindings", "external-ffi-bindings", "command-line-interface" ]
license = "MIT"
build = ""

travis-ci = { repository = "narfit66/ncursesw-rs", branch = "master" }
maintenance = { status = "actively-developed" }
is-it-maintained-issue-resolution = { repository = "narfit66/ncursesw-rs" }
is-it-maintained-open-issues = { repository = "narfit66/ncursesw-rs" }

libc = "0.2"
errno = "0.2"
custom_error = "1.7"
ascii = "1.0"
semver = "0.9"
lazy_static = "1.4"

gettext-rs = "0.4"

pkg-config = "0.3"
bindgen = "0.52"

# conditional compulation of KEY_RESIZE to return as a NCurseswError::KeyResize (the default) for getch(), mvgetch(),
# mvwgetch(), wgetch(), get_wch(), mvget_wch(), mvwget_wch() and wget_ch().
key_resize_as_error = []
# conditional compulation of KEY_EVENT to return as a NCurseswError::KeyEvent (the default) for getch(), mvgetch(),
# mvwgetch(), wgetch(), get_wch(), mvget_wch(), mvwget_wch() and wget_ch().
key_event_as_error = []
docs-rs = []

features = [ "docs-rs" ] # This feature will be enabled during the build.

name = "ncursesw"