nanostat 0.1.0

nanostat compares data sets using Welch's t-test at various levels of confidence.
# nanostat

Like ministat, but smaller?

A Rust library and CLI tool for evaluating whether two or more sets of measurements are statistically different. It does
this by performing a *Welch's t-test* at a particular confidence level, making it suitable for small sets of
measurements (e.g., multiple runs of a benchmark). It's inspired largely by FreeBSD's `ministat` (written by
Poul-Henning Kamp).

$ nanostat examples/iguana examples/leopard examples/chameleon 
	Difference at 95% confidence!
		643.50 > 300.00 ± 293.97, p = 0.026080480978720635
	No difference at 95% confidence.

## Install

cargo install nanostat --features cli

## License

Copyright © 2021 Coda Hale

Distributed under the Apache License 2.0 or the MIT license.