nannou 0.8.0

A Creative Coding Framework for Rust.
# nannou [![Build Status]] [![]] [![]] [![]]

An open-source creative-coding toolkit for Rust.

**nannou** is a collection of code aimed at making it easy for artists to
express themselves with simple, fast, reliable, portable code.  Whether working
on a 12-month laser installation or a 5 minute sketch, this framework aims to
give artists easy access to the tools they need.

The project was started out of a desire for a creative coding framework inspired
by Processing, OpenFrameworks and Cinder, but for Rust. <sup>Named after

### A Quick Note

This project is brand new and there is a lot of work to be done. Feel free to
help out!

## Contents

- [**Goals**]#goals
- [**Why Rust?**]#why-rust
- [**Getting Started**]#getting-started
  - [**Install Rust**]#install-rust
  - [**IDE Setup**]#ide-setup
  - [**Nannou Examples**]#nannou-examples
  - [**More Resources**]#more-resources
- [**License**]#license

## Goals

Nannou aims to provide easy, cross-platform access to the things that artists need:

- [x] **Windowing & Events** via [winit]
- [x] **Audio** via [CPAL] *Input and
  output streams. Duplex are not yet supported.*
- [ ] **Video** input, playback and processing (*would love suggestions and
- [x] **GUI** via [conrod] *May switch to a
  custom nannou solution in the future*.
- **Geometry** with functions and iterators for producing vertices and indices:
  - [x] 1D - `Scalar`, `Range`.
  - [x] 2D - `Rect`, `Line`, `Ellipse`, `Polygon`, `Polyline`, `Quad`,
  - [x] 3D - `Cuboid`.
  - [ ] 3D TODO - `Ellipsoid`, `Cube`, Prisms, Pyramids, *Hedrons, etc.
  - [x] Vertex & index iterators.
  - [x] [Graph]( for
    composing geometry.
- **Graphics** currently via [glium], will
  switch to [vulkano] soon:
  - [x] [Draw]( API. E.g.
    `draw.ellipse().w_h(20.0, 20.0).color(RED)`.
  - [x] [Mesh]( API.
  - [ ] Image API (currently only supported via GUI).
  - [ ] Framebuffer object API.
- **Protocols**:
  - [x] [OSC]( - Open Sound
  - [x] [CITP]( - Controller Interface
    Transport Protocol (network implementation is in progress).
  - [x] [Ether-Dream]( Laser DAC
    protocol and network implementation.
  - [x] [DMX via sACN]( - commonly used for
    lighting and effects.
  - [x] [Serial]( - commonly used for
    interfacing with LEDs and other hardware.
  - [x] [MIDI]( - Musical Instrument Digital
  - [x] [UDP]( via
  - [x] TCP
    [streams] and
    via std.
- **Device & I/O stream APIs**:
  - [x] [Audio](
  - [ ] Video.
  - [ ] Lasers.
  - [ ] Lights.
  - [ ] LEDs.
- [ ] **Graphical Node Graph** via [gantz]
- [ ] **GUI Editor**.

Nannou aims to **use only pure-rust libraries**. New users should require
nothing more than `cargo build` to get going. Falling back to C-bindings will be
considered as a temporary solution in the case that there are no Rust
alternatives yet in development. We prefer to drive forward development of less
mature rust-alternatives than depend on bindings to C code. This should make it
easier for nannou *users* to become nannou *contributors* as they do not have to
learn a second language in order to contribute upstream.

Nannou **will not contain `unsafe` code** with the exception of bindings to
operating systems or hardware APIs if necessary.

Nannou wishes to **remove the need to decide between lots of different backends
that provide access to the same hardware**. Instead, we want to focus on a
specific set of backends and make sure that they work well.

## Why Rust?

Rust is a language that is both highly expressive and blazingly fast. Here are
some of the reasons why we choose to use it:

- **Super fast**, as in [C and
  C++ fast](
- [**A standard package manager**] that makes it very
  easy to handle dependencies and share your own projects in seconds.
- **Highly portable.** Easily build for MacOS, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS and
  [so many others]
- **No header files** (and no weird linking errors).
- **Sum Types and Pattern Matching** (and no `NULL`).
- **Local type inference**. Only write types where it matters, no need to repeat
- A more modern, **Ć’unctional and expressive style**.
- **Memory safe and data-race-free!** Get your ideas down without the fear of
  creating pointer spaghetti or segfault time-sinks.
- **Immutability by default.** Easily distinguish between variables that can
  change and those that can't at a glance.
- **Module system** resulting in very clean and concise name spaces.
- One of the kindest internet communities we've come across (please visit
  mozilla's #rust or /r/rust if you're starting out and need any pointers)

## Getting Started

Nannou is a library written for the Rust programming language. Thus, the first
step step is to install Rust!

### Install Rust

To install Rust, open up your terminal, copy the text below, paste it into your
terminal and hit enter.

curl -sSf | sh

Now Rust is installed! Next we will install some tools that help IDEs do fancy
things like auto-completion and go-to-definition.

rustup component add rust-src rustfmt-preview rust-analysis

Please see [this link]( if you
would like more information on the Rust installation process.

### Platform-Specific Setup

Depending on what OS you are running, you might require an extra step or two.

- **macOS**: Ensure that you have `xcode-tools` installed:
  xcode-select --install
  If you already have `xcode-tools` installed don't worry! This command will let
  you know.

### IDE Setup 

**VS Code**

For new Rust users we recommend using VS-Code as your editor and IDE for Nannou
development. Currently it seems to have the best support for the Rust language
including syntax highlighting, auto-complete, code formatting, etc. It also
comes with an integrated unix terminal and file navigation system. Below are the
steps we recommend for getting started with Nannou development using VS-Code.

1. [Download VS-Code] for your OS. 
2. In VS code user settings, set `"": "stable"`.
3. [Install
   RLS]( (the
   Rust Language Server) plugin for VS-Code.
4. Click on the 'view' menu and select 'integrated terminal'.

**Other IDEs**

Although we recommend VS-Code, it is also possible to configure the following
development environments.

1. [Sublime Text] 
2. [Atom]
3. [Intellij IDEA]
4. [Vim] 
5. [Emacs] 
6. [Visual Studio]
7. [Eclipse] (No longer maintained)

### Nannou Examples

The easiest way to get familiar with Nannou is to explore the examples. To get
the examples we just need to clone this repository.

git clone

If you do not have `git` installed you can press the "Clone or download" button
at the top of this page and then press "Download .zip".

Now, change the current directory to `nannou`.

cd nannou

Run the example using cargo.

cargo run --release --example simple_draw

The `--release` flag means we want to build with optimisations enabled.

If you are compiling nannou for the first time you will see cargo download and build all the necessary dependancies. 

![Alt Text](

Once the example compiles you should see the following window appear. 

<img src="" width="600" height="400" />

To run any of the other examples, replace `simple_draw` with the name of the
desired example.

### More Resources

- [Official Rust Book]
- [Rust by Example]
- [Porting C++ projects to Rust GitHub Book]
- [#rust-beginners IRC]
- [Udemy Rust Course] (paid)
- [Nannou Website]
- [Nannou Forum]
- [Nannou Slack]

## License

Licensed under either of

 * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE]LICENSE-APACHE or

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be
dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.