Module nannou::text::glyph[][src]

Expand description

Logic and types specific to individual glyph layout.


An iterator yielding the Rect for each char’s Glyph in the given text.

An iterator that, for every (line, line_rect) pair yielded by the given iterator, produces an iterator that yields a Rect for every character in that line.

Yields a Rect for each selected character in a single line of text.

Yields an iteraor yielding Rects for each selected character in each line of text within the given iterator yielding char Rects.


Convert the given sequence of contours to a geom::Path.

Find the index of the character that directly follows the cursor at the given cursor_idx.

Produce the lyon path for the given scaled glyph.

Produce an iterator that, for every (line, line_rect) pair yielded by the given iterator, produces an iterator that yields a Rect for every character in that line.

Produces an iterator that yields iteraors yielding Rects for each selected character in each line of text within the given iterator yielding char Rects.

Type Definitions

The half of the width of some character (used within CharXs).

Some position along the X axis (used within CharXs).