Module mysql_common::packets[][src]



Extra auth-data beyond the initial challenge.

Authentication Method Switch Request Packet.

Empty flags of a LoadEvent.

Represents MySql Column (column packet).

Command to request a binlog-stream from the master starting a given position.

Command to request a binlog-stream from the master starting a given position.

Registers a slave at the master. Should be sent before requesting a binlog events with COM_BINLOG_DUMP.


Ok packet that is not a result set terminator.

Represents MySql’s initial handshake packet.

Interval. Stored within Sid

Represents MySql’s local infile packet.

This packet terminates a binlog network stream.


Represents MySql’s Ok packet.

Represents MySql’s Ok packet.

Old Authentication Method Switch Request Packet.

Progress report information (may be in an error packet of MariaDB server).

Ok pakcet that terminates a result set (text or binary).

Each Semi Sync Binlog Event with the SEMI_SYNC_ACK_REQ flag set the slave has to acknowledge with Semi-Sync ACK packet.

MySql error packet.

Represents change in session state (part of MySql’s Ok packet).

SID is a part of the COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID command.

Represents MySql’s statement packet.


Authentication plugin

MySql error packet.


Length of a sid in COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID command packet.


OK packet kind (see OK packet identifier section of WL#7766).

Type Definitions