initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Params",""],["Value","`Value` enumerates possible values in mysql cells. Also `Value` used to fill prepared statements."]],"fn":[["from_row","Will *panic* if could not convert `row` to `T`."],["from_row_opt","Will return `Err(row)` if could not convert `row` to `T`"],["from_value","Will panic if could not convert `v` to `T`"],["from_value_opt","Will return `Err(v)` if could not convert `v` to `T`"]],"struct":[["BytesIr",""],["OptionIr",""],["ParseIr",""],["StringIr",""],["ValueIr",""]],"trait":[["ConvIr","Basic operations on `FromValue` conversion intermediate result."],["FromRow","Trait to convert `Row` into tuple of `FromValue` implementors up to arity 12."],["FromValue","Implement this trait to convert value to something."],["ToValue",""]]});