[][src]Function mupdf_sys::fz_new_font_from_memory

pub unsafe extern "C" fn fz_new_font_from_memory(
    ctx: *mut fz_context,
    name: *const c_char,
    data: *const c_uchar,
    len: c_int,
    index: c_int,
    use_glyph_bbox: c_int
) -> *mut fz_font

Create a new font from a font file in memory.

name: Name of font (leave NULL to use name from font).

data: Pointer to the font file data.

len: Length of the font file data.

index: Which font from the file to load (0 for default).

use_glyph_box: 1 if we should use the glyph bbox, 0 otherwise.

Returns new font handle, or throws exception on error.