Crate multiboot2

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Library that assists parsing the Multiboot2 Information Structure (MBI) from Multiboot2-compliant bootloaders, such as GRUB. It supports all tags from the specification including full support for the sections of ELF files. This library is no_std and can be used in a Multiboot2-kernel.

The GNU Multiboot(2) specification aims to provide a standardised method of sharing commonly used information about the host machine at boot time and give the payload, i.e. a kernel, a well defined machine state.


use multiboot2::{BootInformation, BootInformationHeader};

fn kernel_entry(mb_magic: u32, mbi_ptr: u32) {
    if mb_magic == multiboot2::MAGIC {
        let boot_info = unsafe { BootInformation::load(mbi_ptr as *const BootInformationHeader).unwrap() };
        let _cmd = boot_info.command_line_tag();
    } else { /* Panic or use multiboot1 flow. */ }


The MSRV is 1.69.0 stable.


  • Module for the builder-feature.


  • Basic memory info tag.
  • A Multiboot 2 Boot Information (MBI) accessor.
  • The basic header of a boot information.
  • The bootloader name tag.
  • This tag contains the command line string.
  • EFI ExitBootServices was not called tag.
  • Tag that contains the pointer to the boot loader’s UEFI image handle (32-bit).
  • Tag that contains the pointer to the boot loader’s UEFI image handle (64-bit).
  • The type of a memory range.
  • A structure describing a region of memory.
  • EFI memory map tag. The EFIMemoryDesc follows the EFI specification.
  • EFI system table in 32 bit mode tag.
  • EFI system table in 64 bit mode tag.
  • A single generic ELF Section.
  • ELF Section bitflags.
  • An iterator over some ELF sections.
  • This tag contains the section header table from an ELF binary.
  • The end tag ends the information struct.
  • A framebuffer color descriptor in the palette.
  • An RGB color type field.
  • The VBE Framebuffer information tag.
  • The physical load address tag. Typically, this is only available if the binary was relocated, for example if the relocatable header tag was specified.
  • A memory area entry descriptor.
  • ABI-friendly version of MemoryAreaType.
  • This tag provides an initial host memory map (legacy boot, not UEFI).
  • An iterator over all module tags.
  • The module tag can occur multiple times and specifies passed boot modules (blobs in memory). The tag itself doesn’t include the blog, but references its location.
  • This tag contains a copy of RSDP as defined per ACPI 1.0 specification.
  • This tag contains a copy of RSDP as defined per ACPI 2.0 or later specification.
  • This tag contains a copy of SMBIOS tables as well as their version.
  • Common base structure for all tags that can be passed via the Multiboot2 Information Structure (MBI) to a Multiboot2 payload/program/kernel.
  • Serialized form of TagType that matches the binary representation (u32). The abstraction corresponds to the typ/type field of a Multiboot2 Tag. This type can easily be created from or converted to TagType.
  • The Capabilities field indicates the support of specific features in the graphics environment.
  • VBE controller information.
  • The DirectColorModeInfo field describes important characteristics of direct color modes.
  • A VBE colour field.
  • This tag contains VBE metadata, VBE controller information returned by the VBE Function 00h and VBE mode information returned by the VBE Function 01h.
  • A Mode attributes bitfield.
  • Extended information about a specific VBE display mode from the mode list returned by VBEControlInfo (VBE Function 00h).
  • The WindowAttributes describe the characteristics of the CPU windowing scheme such as whether the windows exist and are read/writeable, as follows:


  • An enum abstraction over raw ELF section types.
  • The type of framebuffer.
  • Error type that describes errors while loading/parsing a multiboot2 information structure from a given address.
  • Abstraction over defined memory types for the memory map as well as custom ones. Types 1 to 5 are defined in the Multiboot2 spec and correspond to the entry types of e820 memory maps.
  • Error type describing failures when parsing the string from a tag.
  • Higher level abstraction for TagTypeId that assigns each possible value to a specific semantic according to the specification. Additionally, it allows to use the TagType::Custom variant. It is not binary compatible with TagTypeId.
  • The MemoryModel field specifies the general type of memory organization used in modes.


  • Magic number that a Multiboot2-compliant boot loader will use to identify the handoff. The location depends on the architecture and the targeted machine state.


  • Provides the pointer metadata type of any pointed-to type.
  • A trait to abstract over all sized and unsized tags (DSTs). For sized tags, this trait does not much. For DSTs, a TagTrait::dst_size implementation must me provided, which returns the right size hint for the dynamically sized portion of the struct.

Derive Macros

  • Generates an implementation of Pointee for structs with a DST as its last field.