multiboot 0.1.0

Library to access multiboot structures. failed to build multiboot-0.1.0
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Visit the last successful build: multiboot-0.8.0

Multiboot Build Status

This is a multiboot (v1) library written in rust to be used in kernel level code. The code depends only on libcore.

How-to use

/// Translate a physical memory address into a kernel addressable location.
pub fn paddr_to_kernel_vaddr(p: PAddr) -> VAddr {
    (p + KERNEL_BASE) as VAddr

/// mboot_ptr is the initial pointer to the multiboot structure
/// provided in %ebx on start-up.
pub fn use_multiboot(mboot_ptr: PAddr) {
    // Create a new instance of the Multiboot struct
    let multiboot = Multiboot::new(mboot_ptr, paddr_to_kernel_vaddr);

    // Find all available memory regions:
    let cb = | base, size, mtype | { 
        println!("Found new memory region: {:x} -- {:x}", base, base+size); 

    // Find all multiboot provided modules:
    let mod_cb = | name, start, end | {
        log!("Found module {}: {:x} - {:x}", name, start, end);

Functionality is still not complete and Patches are welcome!
