mrusty 0.3.1

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mrusty. mruby safe bindings for Rust

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mrusty lets you:

  • run Ruby 1.9 files with a very restricted API (without having to install Ruby)
  • reflect Rust structs and enums in mruby and run them

It does all this in a safely neat way while also bringing spec testing and a REPL to the table.

Note: Starting with v0.3.0, mrusty will only work with Rust nightly. This is caused by a need to capture panics in mruby. Once this features stabilizes (and it will in Rust 1.9.0), mrusty will return to stable Rust.



A very simple example of a Container struct which will be passed to mruby and which is perfectly callable.

// mrclass!
extern crate mrusty;

// Needs some undocumented, hidden calls.
use mrusty::*;

let mruby = Mruby::new();

struct Cont {
    value: i32

// Cont should not flood the current namespace. We will add it with require.
mrclass!(Cont, "Container", {
    // Converts mruby types automatically & safely.
    def!("initialize", |v: i32| {
        Cont { value: v }

    // Converts slf to Cont.
    def!("value", |mruby, slf: Cont| {

// Add file to the context, making it requirable.

// Add spec testing.
describe!(Cont, "
  context 'when containing 1' do
    it 'returns 1 when calling #value' do
      expect( eql 1

let result ="
    require 'cont'
").unwrap(); // Returns Value.

println!("{}", result.to_i32().unwrap()); // Prints "3".