initSidebarItems({"enum":[["EndFileReason",""],["Error","MPV_ERROR_SUCCESS No error happened (used to signal successful operation) # MPV_ERROR_EVENT_QUEUE_FULL The event ringbuffer is full. This means the client is choked, and can't receive any events. This can happen when too many asynchronous requests have been made, but not answered. Probably never happens in practice, unless the mpv core is frozen for some reason, and the client keeps making asynchronous requests. (Bugs in the client API implementation could also trigger this, e.g. if events become \"lost\".) # MPV_ERROR_NOMEM 'Memory allocation failed' error # MPV_ERROR_UNINITIALIZED The mpv core wasn't configured and initialized yet. See mpv.init() for additional details # MPV_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER Generic catch-all error if a parameter is set to an invalid or unsupported value. This is used if there is no better error code."],["Event",""],["Format",""],["LogLevel",""],["SubApi",""]],"fn":[["client_api_version","Returns the MPV_CLIENT_API_VERSION the mpv source has been compiled with as (major_v,minor_v)"]],"struct":[["MpvHandler","The main struct of the mpv-rs crate"],["MpvHandlerBuilder",""],["MpvHandlerWithGl",""],["OsdString",""]],"trait":[["MpvFormat",""]],"type":[["Result",""],["mpv_opengl_cb_get_proc_address_fn",""]]});