Crate mproxy_reverse

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Multicast Network Dispatcher and Proxy

MPROXY: Reverse Proxy

Forward upstream TCP and UDP upstream to downstream listeners. Messages are routed via UDP multicast to downstream sender threads. Spawns one thread per listener.

Quick Start

In Cargo.toml

mproxy-reverse = "0.1"

Example src/

use mproxy_reverse::{reverse_proxy_tcp_udp, reverse_proxy_udp, reverse_proxy_udp_tcp};

let udp_listen_addr: Option<String> = Some("".into());
let tcp_listen_addr: Option<String> = None;
let multicast_addr: String = "[ff02::1]:9918".into();
let tcp_output_addr: Option<String> = Some("[::1]:9921".into());
let udp_output_addr: Option<String> = None;

let mut threads = vec![];

// TCP connection listener -> UDP multicast channel
if let Some(tcpin) = tcp_listen_addr {
    let tcp_rproxy = reverse_proxy_tcp_udp(tcpin, multicast_addr.clone());

// UDP multicast listener -> TCP sender
if let Some(tcpout) = &tcp_output_addr {
    let tcp_proxy = reverse_proxy_udp_tcp(multicast_addr.clone(), tcpout.to_string());

// UDP multicast listener -> UDP sender
if let Some(udpout) = udp_output_addr {
    let udp_proxy = reverse_proxy_udp(multicast_addr, udpout);

for thread in threads {

Command Line Interface

Install with Cargo

cargo install mproxy-reverse
MPROXY: Reverse Proxy

Forward upstream TCP and UDP upstream to downstream listeners.
Messages are routed via UDP multicast to downstream sender threads.
Spawns one thread per listener.

  mproxy-reverse  [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

  --udp-listen-addr [HOSTNAME:PORT]     Spawn a UDP socket listener, and forward to --multicast-addr
  --tcp_listen_addr [HOSTNAME:PORT]     Reverse-proxy accepting TCP connections and forwarding to --multicast-addr
  --multicast-addr  [MULTICAST_IP:PORT] Defaults to '[ff02::1]:9918'
  --tcp-output-addr [HOSTNAME:PORT]     Forward packets from --multicast-addr to TCP downstream
  --udp_output_addr [HOSTNAME:PORT]     Forward packets from --multicast-addr to UDP downstream

  -h, --help    Prints help information
  -t, --tee     Print UDP input to stdout

  mproxy-reverse --udp-listen-addr '' --tcp-output-addr '[::1]:9921' --multicast-addr ''

See Also


  • Listen for incoming TCP connections and forward received bytes to a UDP socket address
  • Forward bytes from UDP upstream socket address to UDP downstream socket address
  • Forward a UDP socket stream (e.g. from a multicast channel) to connected TCP clients. Spawns a listener thread, plus one thread for each incoming TCP connection.