
pub use crate::assertions::edition::assert_edition_is_not_mint_authority;
pub use crate::assertions::edition::assert_edition_valid;
pub use crate::assertions::edition::assert_supply_invariance;
pub use crate::assertions::metadata::assert_currently_holding;
pub use crate::assertions::metadata::assert_data_valid;
pub use crate::assertions::metadata::assert_update_authority_is_correct;
pub use crate::assertions::metadata::assert_verified_member_of_collection;




assert initialized account
Close src_account and transfer lamports to dst_account, lifted from Solana Cookbook
Creates a new master edition account for the specified edition_account_info and mint_info. Master editions only exist for non-fungible assets, therefore the supply of the mint must thei either 0 or 1; any value higher than that will generate an error.
cheap method to just get supply off a mint without unpacking whole object
cheap method to just get supply off a mint without unpacking whole object
Cheap method to just grab owner Pubkey from token account, instead of deserializing entire thing
Create a new account instruction
Strings need to be appended with \0s in order to have a deterministic length. This supports the memcmp filter on get program account calls. NOTE: it is assumed that the metadata fields are never larger than the respective MAX_LENGTH
Pads the string to the desired size with 0u8s. NOTE: it is assumed that the string’s size is never larger than the given size.
Resize an account using realloc, lifted from Solana Cookbook
Pads the string to the desired size with 0u8s. NOTE: it is assumed that the string’s size is never larger than the given size.