monkeys 0.1.0

Coroutines with async/await/yield failed to build monkeys-0.1.0
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See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
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Monkeys are new coroutines

This is pre-alpha library, nothing works as expected yet.


Coroutines with async/await/yield for Rust.

fn main() {

   async(|flow| {

     let stream = async(|flow| {
        for i in 0..5 {

      for r in stream {
        println!("got streamed: {:?}", r);

      let awaitable = async(|flow | {
        1 + 1

      let r = flow.await(awaitable);

      println!("awaitable res: {:?}", r);



> got streamed: 0
> got streamed: 1
> got streamed: 2
> got streamed: 3
> got streamed: 4
> awaitable res: 2

Non goals

There won't be network stack itself. Monkeys are building blocks for higher level libraries.


  • Initial prototype
  • Simple timers
  • Support for pluggable network stack
  • Benchmarking and optimizations