[][src]Module mogwai::component

Reactive component trees using two way model and view message passing.

Sometimes an application can get so entangled that it's hard to follow the path of messages through Transmitters, Receivers and fold functions. For situations like these where complexity is unavoidable, Mogwai provides the Component trait and the helper struct Gizmo.

Many rust web app libraries use a message passing pattern made famous by the Elm architecture to wrangle complexity. Mogwai is similar, but different

  • Like other libraries, messages come out of the DOM into your component's model by way of the Component::update function.
  • The model is updated according to the value of the model message.
  • Unlike Elm-like libraries, view updates are sent out of the update function by hand! This sounds tedious but it's actually no big deal. You'll soon understand how easy this is in practice.

Mogwai lacks a virtual DOM implementation. One might think that this is a disadvantage but to the contrary this is a strength, as it obviates the entire diffing phase of rendering DOM. This is where Mogwai gets its speed advantage.

Instead of a virtual DOM Mogwai uses channels to patch the DOM from afar. The Component::update method is given a Transmitter<Self::ViewMsg> with which to send view patching messages. Messages sent on this transmitter will be sent out to the view to update the DOM (if that view chooses to). This forms a cycle:

  1. Messages come into the update function from the view which processes the message, updates the state, and may send messages out to the view
  2. Message come into the view from the update function where they are used to patch the DOM.

In this way DOM updates are obvious. You know exactly where, when and why updates are made - both to the model and the view.

Here is a minimal example of a Component that counts its own clicks.

use mogwai::prelude::*;

enum In {

enum Out {

struct App {
    num_clicks: i32

impl Component for App {
    type ModelMsg = In;
    type ViewMsg = Out;
    type DomNode = HtmlElement;

    fn view(&self, tx: &Transmitter<In>, rx: &Receiver<Out>) -> ViewBuilder<HtmlElement> {
        builder! {
            <button on:click=tx.contra_map(|_| In::Click)>
                    "clicks = 0",
                    rx.branch_map(|msg| match msg {
                        Out::DrawClicks(n) => {
                            format!("clicks = {}", n)

    fn update(&mut self, msg: &In, tx_view: &Transmitter<Out>, _sub: &Subscriber<In>) {
        match msg {
            In::Click => {
                self.num_clicks += 1;

pub fn main() -> Result<(), JsValue> {
    let app = Gizmo::from(App{ num_clicks: 0 });

    if cfg!(target_arch = "wasm32") {
    } else {

As shown above, the first step is to define the incoming messages that will update the model. Next we define the outgoing messages that will update our view. The Component::view trait method uses these message types to build the view. It does this by consuming a Transmitter<Self::ModelMsg> and a Receiver<Self::ViewMsg> and returning a ViewBuilder. These terminals represent the inputs and the outputs of your component. Roughly, Self::ModelMsg comes into the Component::update function and Self::ViewMsgs go out of the update function.

Creating a component

To use a component after writing its Component trait implementation we turn it into a Gizmo:

This example is not tested
    let app: Gizmo<App> = Gizmo::from(App{ num_clicks: 0 });

Gizmos can then be used to spawn a view, or can be converted into a view.

This example is not tested
    let view = View::from(app.view_builder());
This example is not tested
    let view = View::from(app);

Communicating to components

If your component is owned by another, the parent component can communicate to the child through its messages, either by calling Gizmo::send on the child component within its own update function or by subscribing to the child component's messages when the child component is created (see Subscriber).

Placing components

A parent component may nest an in-scope component by placing a ViewBuilder or View inside the parent component's RSX:

This example is not tested
let child = builder! { <blockquote>"Fairies live"</blockquote> };
let parent = builder! {
    <div id="fairy_quote">{child}</div>



A very limited transmitter used to map messages.



Defines a component with distinct input (model update) and output (view update) messages.