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MnemOS Userspace Library

This Rust library (or crate) serves as the primary interface for userspace applications to the services provided by the kernel.

It contains a couple of important things:

An entry function declaration (not definition!)

The crate provides a declaration of an entry point function that looks like this:

extern "Rust" {
    fn entry() -> !;

When creating an application for MnemOS, your binary project will need to define an entry point with the same name. A minimal application looks something like this:

// Your application will generally be no_std, MnemOS does not currently provide
// a version of the standard library

// Your application will generally need the no_main attribute (similar to
// embedded rust programs) - as we do not use Rust's built-in main function,
// and instead use `entry() -> !`

/// Even if you use no system calls, you should probably include the
/// userspace library as shown here, to ensure the panic handler (and
/// other necessary components) are linked in.
use userspace as _;

/// The entry point function MUST:
/// * Be declared with the #[no_mangle] attribute
/// * Must never return
fn entry() -> ! {
    // ...

Linker Scripts

The userspace contains two linkerscripts:

link.x - the main linker script, which tells the compiler and linker how to properly lay out your application so that it can be loaded by the kernel. You typically should not ever modify this file, and it will be copied automatically into the build directory via the included build.rs script.

If you have experience with embedded Rust development, this is similar to how cortex-m-rt works.

You WILL need to configure your application project to use this linkerscript, typically by creating a .cargo/config.toml file in your project.

For an example (that you can copy), see the .cargo/config.toml of the app-loader application.

The second linkerscript is stack.x. You should copy this file into your application project.

By default, the linkerscript will be configured to use 16KiB of space as a stack for your program.

This can be modified by editing the stack.x file (in your project) to change the amount of space to be allocated as stack memory. For example, to set the stack size to 64KiB, you would add this line to your project’s stack.x:

_stack_size = 0x10000;

Again, if you are familiar with embedded rust, this is similar to the device.x file you are expected to provide in each project.

Library Code

The other main component of the userspace crate are the types and functions necessary to interact with the kernel.

To view the documentation for the provided interfaces and types, from the userspace folder, you can run:

cargo doc --open

Which will open the developer API documentation for these functions.


pub use common;