Crate mnemonic

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This is a Rust port of the mnemonic encoder originally written in C by Oren Tirosh and available from:

These routines implement a method for encoding binary data into a sequence of words which can be spoken over the phone, for example, and converted back to data on the other side.

For more information, see:


let bytes = [101, 2, 240, 6, 108, 11, 20, 97];

let s = mnemonic::to_string(&bytes);
assert_eq!(s, "digital-apollo-aroma--rival-artist-rebel");

let mut decoded = Vec::<u8>::new();
mnemonic::decode(s, &mut decoded).unwrap();

assert_eq!(decoded, [101, 2, 240, 6, 108, 11, 20, 97]);


  • Errors returned by mnemonic decoding.




  • Decode the mnemonic string src into bytes, and write the bytes to dest.
  • Encode the bytes of src into a mnemonic string, and write the string to dest
  • Encode the bytes of s with a custom template.
  • Encode the bytes of src and return the results as a String

Type Aliases§

  • Result type returned by mnemonic decoding.