Expand description


cargo:KEY=VALUE — Metadata, used by links scripts.

cargo:rerun-if-changed=PATH — Tells Cargo when to re-run the script.

cargo:rerun-if-env-changed=VAR — Tells Cargo when to re-run the script.

cargo:rustc-cdylib-link-arg=FLAG — Passes custom flags to a linker for cdylib crates.

cargo:rustc-cfg=KEY — Enables compile-time cfg settings.

cargo:rustc-cfg=KEY="VALUE" — Enables compile-time cfg settings.

cargo:rustc-env=VAR=VALUE — Sets an environment variable.

cargo:rustc-flags=FLAGS — Passes certain flags to the compiler.

cargo:rustc-link-search=[KIND=]PATH — Adds to the library search path.

cargo:warning=MESSAGE — Displays a warning on the terminal.