mmap-safe 0.0.1

A safe wrapper around file-backed memory maps failed to build mmap-safe-0.0.1
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Visit the last successful build: mmap-safe-0.0.2

This library provides a thin wrapper around the memmap crate in order to make file-backed mapped memory safe in Rust. Although the crate tries it's best at ensuring safety, this can not be fully guaranteed.

Safe and Unsafe usage

Since Linux and other Unix-Systems currently do not provide mandatory file locks (Linux does but it's buggy and will be removed in the future), it is not possible to prevent parallel access to a certain file. Therefore file-backed mapped memory is inherently unsafe.

However, if you access a file only through this library and not through the [std::fs::File] API, you are safe. This crate uses an advisory lock internally to make sure only one [MappedFile] instance ever exists at the same time for the same file.

Oh, and don't use it on network filesystems, I haven't tested that.