mj 0.2.1

My Journal - personal tool to capture ideas, work with journals and notes in your favourite text $EDITOR.
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My Journal

My Journal is a productivity tool that will help you manage your daily ideas, journals and notes. My Journal is nothing else but a thin layer atop your default editor that it will use to organize your textual notes in a clean and yet open structure of directories.

Initialize new repository

To initialize a new repository, ask My Journal to do the following:

mkdir -p ~/MyJournals/demo
cd ~/MyJournals/demo
mj init .

This will produce initial directory structure (very minimal):

├── ideas
├── journals
└── notes

Authoring ideas

My Journal will also help authoring ideas, journals and notes. Let's see how it works for ideas:

mj idea edit super-project

This will open your default $EDITOR such that you can write down what is it your new idea constitutes from. After you save it and exit your editor, My Journal will make sure your new idea is stored in your repository in the right structure:

├── ideas
│   └── super-project.md
├── journals
└── notes

To continue adding to your idea you can type in the same edit command:

mj idea edit super-project

And, finally to remove an idea you can do either edit and wipe out the content followed by saving the file (My Journal will take care of deleting empty files for you), or by calling remove command like following:

mj idea remove super-project

To list registered ideas just type in the following:

mj ideas list

Note, that i, idea and ideas are synonims, and can be used interchangeably.

Authoring journals

Journals are handled slightly differently by My Journal. Let's see how it works:

mj journal edit

This will open your default $EDITOR such that you can write down what is it you want to be written down for today. After you save it and exit your editor, My Journal will make sure your todays journal record is stored in your repository in the right structure (assuming that today for me is 2019-10-02 at the moment):

├── ideas
├── journals
│   └── 2019-10-02
│       └── journal.md
└── notes

To continue adding to your todays journal you can type in the same edit command:

mj journal edit

In case you might want to author a journal for another day, it is possible with the following command:

mj journal edit 1d

This will let you work on your yesturdays journal. In case you want specific date, you can always do that:

mj journal edit 2019-09-04

This will naturally let you work on your journal from 2019-09-04.

And, finally to remove a journal from a specific date you can do either edit and wipe out the content followed by saving the file (My Journal will take care of deleting empty files for you), or by calling remove command like following:

mj journal remove 1d

This will remove yesturdays journal (here you can use specific dates as well if you wish). Or you can remove todays journal with the following command:

mj journal remove

To list registered journals in an descending order of registration just type in the following:

mj journals list

Note, that j, journal and journals are synonims, and can be used interchangeably.

Authoring notes

Notes are handled differently from ideas and journals. Let's see how it works:

mj note edit algorithms sieve-of-eratosthenes

This will open your default $EDITOR such that you can write down what is it you want to be written down for the subject Sieve of Eratosthenes in the category Algorithms. After you save it and exit your editor, My Journal will make sure your note is stored in your repository in the right structure:

├── ideas
├── journals
└── notes
    └── algorithms
        └── sieve-of-eratosthenes.md

To continue adding to your note you can type in the same edit command:

mj note edit algorithms sieve-of-eratosthenes

And, finally to remove a note from a specific category you can do either edit and wipe out the content followed by saving the file (My Journal will take care of deleting empty files for you), or by calling remove command like following:

mj note remove algorithms sieve-of-eratosthenes

To list all existing notes across all the categories just type in the following:

mj notes list --all

To list existing categories just type in the following:

mj notes list --categories

And, finally, to list notes from a specific category, just run the following:

mj notes list algorithms

Note, that n, note and notes are synonims, and can be used interchangeably.

Completion scripts for your shell

To make things easier My Journal let's you generate completion scripts for one of the supported shells: Bash, Fish, Zsh, PowerShell or Elvish.

In order to enable My Journal completion for your shell, it is possible to just run one of the following commands:

source <(mj completion bash)
source <(mj completion fish)
source <(mj completion zsh)
source <(mj completion powershell)
source <(mj completion elvish)