[][src]Crate minus

Minus is a library for creating paged output for othe terminal based applications. It is threaded as well as asynchronous, which means your applications can give output dynamic information. It is also cross-platform which means your applications are assured to be 100% compatible with all OSs

Why use minus

  • Pager runs in a separate thread which is asynchronous
  • Works with both tokio and async_std, these are individual features you can enable. So you are confirmed that you don't put bloat in your software
  • Completely cross-platform


  • async_std_lib:- If your application uses async-std, enable this feature
  • tokio_lib:- If your application uses tokio, enable this feature
  • static_output: Enable this if you only want to page static data


See [page_all] for static output examples or [async_std_updating] and [tokio_updating] for examples of dynamic output generation using different runtimes

Type Definitions


An atomically reference counted string of all output for the pager