mint-template-engine 1.2.0-rc.2

Mint template engine

how to use mint

invoking mint


Variable names can't start with !, and they can't contain }}, =, or newlines. Variable values can contain anything at all.

template files

A template file is made up of tags and arbitrary text. A tag looks like {{name}} and is replaced with the value of the variable name. {{! becomes a literal {{. Currently, template files and variable definitions must use UTF-8.



{{!foo}} renders to {{foo}}, and {{!! renders to {{!.
It doesn't matter if bar is defined, because we don't use it.

$ mint template.txt foo=cat bar=sock


{{foo}} renders to cat, and {{! renders to {{.
It doesn't matter if bar is defined, because we don't use it.

the name

"Mint" stands for "MINimal Template engine". I'm not good at naming things.