Crate mexprp [] [src]


A math expression parsing and evaluating library


There are three different ways to parse and evaluate an equation.

With eval()

This function parses and evaluates a string all at once with the default context. There's also an eval_ctx() function which takes a reference to a Context as well that will be used instead of the default Context.

mexprp::eval("10 / (2 + 3)"); // Ok(2.0)

With Expression

Expression::parse() parses a string into a tree representation (a Term). It can also be parsed with a context with parse_ctx, and it will store that context within it for future evaluations. It can also be evaluated with a reference to any other context with eval_ctx. It's important to ensure that the custom context contains any definitions the Expression depends on.

let expr = Expression::parse("3 ^ 4 / 9").unwrap();
let res = expr.eval(); // Ok(9.0)

With Term

A Term is an Expression, but without any extra overhead.

let term = Term::parse("10 ^ -3").unwrap();
let res = term.eval(); // Ok(0.001)

Using Contexts

You can evaluate expressions with custom variable and function definition's by defining a context. When defining custom functions, it's important to remember to parse the expression with the custom context, or else the parser will recognize your functions as variables instead. Expressions will store the context you parse them with, but you have to evaluate Terms with a reference to a context using Term::eval_ctx. For more info see the context module.


pub use func::Func;
pub use expr::Calculation;
pub use expr::Expression;
pub use expr::Term;
pub use context::Context;
pub use errors::EvalError;
pub use errors::MathError;
pub use errors::ParseError;



Context struct


All the errors


Contains expressions and terms


Contains Function trait


Contains definitions for Operations


Contains implementations for operations


Contains methods for parsing equations into token representations



Parse and evaluate a string


Parse and evaluate a string with the given context