Crate metro_m0[][src]


pub use atsamd_hal as hal;
pub use hal::ehal;
pub use hal::pac;
pub use pins::*;


Definitions related to pins and pin aliases


Refer to fields of the Pins struct by alternate names


Convenience for accessing the on-board SPI Flash device. This powers up SERCOM5 and configures it for use as an SPI Master.

Convenience for setting up the labelled SDA, SCL pins to operate as an I2C master running at the specified frequency.

Convenience for setting up the 2x3 header block for SPI. This powers up SERCOM4 and configures it for use as an SPI Master in SPI Mode 0. Unlike the flash_spi_master function, this one does not accept a CS pin; configuring a pin for CS is the responsibility of the caller, because it could be any OutputPin, or even a pulled up line on the slave.

Convenience for setting up the labelled RX, TX pins to operate as a UART device running at the specified baud.

Type Definitions

SPI pads for the flash chip

SPI master for the labelled SPI peripheral

I2C master for the labelled SDA & SCL pins

SPI master for the labelled SPI peripheral

SPI pads for the labelled SPI peripheral

UART device for the labelled RX & TX pins

UART pads

Attribute Macros