menoh 0.1.0

A binding for Menoh. failed to build menoh-0.1.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: menoh-0.2.2

A Rust binding for Menoh


# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
                    .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
                    .build("mkldnn", "")?;

// This block limits the lifetime of `in_buf`.
    let (in_dims, in_buf) = model.get_variable_mut::<f32>("input")?;
    in_buf.copy_from_slice(&[0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]);
    # assert_eq!(in_dims, &[2, 3]);
    println!("    dims: {:?}", in_dims);
    println!("    buf: {:?}", in_buf);

let (out_dims, out_buf) = model.get_variable::<f32>("fc2")?;
# assert_eq!(out_dims, &[2, 5]);
println!("    dims: {:?}", out_dims);
println!("    buf: {:?}", out_buf);
# let expected = &[0., 0., 15., 96., 177., 0., 0., 51., 312., 573.];
# for i in 0..10 {
#     assert!((out_buf[i] - expected[i]).abs() < 1e-6);
# }
# Ok(())
# }


1. Build a Model.

# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
// register `"input"` as input
// and specify its type (`f32`) and shape (`&[2, 3]`).
                    .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
// register `"fc2"` as output
// and specify its type (`f32`).
// specify backend (`"mkldnn"`) and its configuration (`""`).
                    .build("mkldnn", "")?;
# Ok(())
# }

Instead of Builder, we can use a combination of some low-level APIs.

# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
let mut model_data = menoh::ModelData::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?;

let mut vpt_builder = menoh:: VariableProfileTableBuilder::new()?;
vpt_builder.add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?;
let vpt =;

let model_builder = menoh::ModelBuilder::new(&vpt)?;
let mut model =, "mkldnn", "")?;
# Ok(())
# }

2. Set data to input variable(s).

# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
# let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
#                     .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
#                     .add_output::<f32>("fc2")?
#                     .build("mkldnn", "")?;
// fetch a read/write view of a variable.
let (in_dims, in_buf) = model.get_variable_mut::<f32>("input")?;
// set data to the variable.
in_buf.copy_from_slice(&[0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]);
# Ok(())
# }

Note: The lifetime of views has to end before executing Model::run. Blocks will be required to limit the lifetime.

// NG: `in_buf` lives after ``.
# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
# let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
#                     .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
#                     .add_output::<f32>("fc2")?
#                     .build("mkldnn", "")?;
let (in_dims, in_buf) = model.get_variable_mut::<f32>("input")?;
in_buf.copy_from_slice(&[0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]);;
# Ok(())
# }
// OK: the lifetime of `in_buf` is limited by a block.
# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
# let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
#                     .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
#                     .add_output::<f32>("fc2")?
#                     .build("mkldnn", "")?;
    let (in_dims, in_buf) = model.get_variable_mut::<f32>("input")?;
    in_buf.copy_from_slice(&[0., 1., 2., 3., 4., 5.]);
# Ok(())
# }

3. Execute computation.

# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
# let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
#                     .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
#                     .add_output::<f32>("fc2")?
#                     .build("mkldnn", "")?;;
# Ok(())
# }

4. Fetch the result(s).

# fn main() -> Result<(), menoh::Error> {
# let mut model = menoh::Builder::from_onnx("MLP.onnx")?
#                     .add_input::<f32>("input", &[2, 3])?
#                     .add_output::<f32>("fc2")?
#                     .build("mkldnn", "")?;
// fetch a read-only view of a variable.
let (out_dims, out_buf) = model.get_variable::<f32>("fc2")?;
// use the data (e.g. print them).
println!("{:?}", out_buf);
# Ok(())
# }